Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas from Canada...via the South!

Sending Christmas greetings from the South! Praying that you have a blessed Christmas wherever you are and whatever you may be doing. May we not get so busy and so "wrapped up in the unwrapping" that we lose focus on The Reason for the Season! Was great to go to the Christmas Eve service at my sister's church and sing those wonderful Christmas carols and hear a message about 'The Joy of the World'...and that Joy being He was sent as a baby and ultimately to the Cross for our sins so we could spend eternity with Him! As I write this, I think of two individuals (Mr. John Brewer and Mrs. Sammy Jo Crawford) from my home town who went to be with the Lord in the past couple of days. They have left a legacy and mark on our town and the lives of many. They will be celebrating with Jesus on His birthday! You can lift up these families in your prayers.

Well, I sure didn't think I would be sitting in my sister's home on Christmas Eve...with it beginning to snow! Yes, it's snowing in the Nashville area, so we will probably wake up to a White Christmas! What fun that will be! Obviously, I've seen plenty of snow, but not on Christmas!

There is much on my mind as I think back to what has transpired in two weeks. I am continuing to try to trust God and know He has the perfect plan for my life. Everything still seems a bit surreal...being here for Christmas when I didn't think I would and not knowing, really, how all the immigration stuff will come out. But, we don't really know how anything will turn out in life. We can plan and plan for even the smallest of things and our plans get changed. Every day is a gift...
I sure am missing my Canadian family! It's sometimes strange being back in my homeland, readjusting to life here, but my mind and heart with the people and place that has become home. Yet, I am still thankful to be here...

It has been a good week of getting some rest, loads of laughs with my precious nieces and nephew, and not having any set schedule. Crazy antics around the house! I am finding that the kids are my therapy of sorts because they bring such joy to my life and I always know there will be plenty of hugs, giggles, sillyness, and smiles to go around! I enjoyed getting to go to church with my sister last Sunday and hearing my brother-in-law Nathan preach. He is on staff at a Presbyterian church and will be starting a new church very soon! Mom and Dad got here yesterday, so we're all enjoying being together. Dad is fighting a cold so you pray for his healing. Great that Mom is seeing so well after her cataract surgery. PTL! Mom, the girls, and I played Old Maid last night. Dad, the girls, and I enjoyed a game of Sorry today. Playing games with the girls is one of my favorite things.
Knox likes to be a part of everything, loves his stuffed animals, being read too, singing "Jingle Bells" and snacking! He is just fun to play with and is quite the little character. He doesn't miss a beat and just loves it when he knows he's being the center of attention. Sweetest thing yesterday was when he, the girls, Christy, and i were having lunch. I shared part of the kitchen table stool with Rosalyn, as only 3 stools were out. Next thing I know, Knox is getting the 4th stool for me! Christy and I had been just been standing up. What a little gentleman at almost 3! I can see the spiritual maturity and intelligence in Rosalyn. Big milestones this year as she became a Christian and started 1st grade. She loves to play school, do arts and crafts, read, sing, and just be silly. Katie as really 'shot up' this year and knows so much as she started preschool! She is the cuddler of the three, loves doing many of the things that Rosalyn does, but is still independent. They both love to tickle!
I know it will be tons of fun with them as we open presents and play with new toys.

Well, as I look at the clock, I see it's it's officially Christmas Day and way past my bedtime! I function so much better if I can get to bed earlier.

I thank you for your prayers as I continue on this journey. It means so much to know that so many are praying! You are such a blessing!

"For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life". John 3:16

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