Saturday, December 11, 2010

Having to Leave

I apologize upfront for those I have not contacted personally about the latest in my life. This is the easiest way to let all of you know what is going on with me. As most of you know, I have been waiting to hear back from immigration concerning work visa renewal. I found out last night (Thurs) via a letter in the mail that my work visa application has been rejected and I must leave the country immediately. This is all similar to what happened in 2008 when I came to Alberta to work. Had to go home and wait on the proper document in order to get a work visa. That visa has expired so I had to renew. The appropriate paperwork is still in process or having to be redone, so that's why the application was denied.

So, needless to say I will be leaving Calgary on Monday...driving south and thank the Lord that He has met my need for someone to ride with me and help me drive. My sweet friend and "daughter" Jenna will travel with me, get to visit family in North Carolina and will fly back to Calgary. Her dad is a student at our seminary; her mom and I share an office and have become the best of friends; and we attend the same church. Sometime last year, I realized that if I had had a child at 16, that child would be Jenna's age (18) she often calls me "mom" and I call her "daughter". Her younger brother often calls me "mom" as well and even got our kids' Sunday School class started on it last week. Too funny! Anyway...

I will be in the Nashville, TN area and Mississippi until the convention office receives the paperwork needed, mails it to me in MS, and I can head back and hopefully get a new work visa.

I was wanting to be with my family for Christmas and attend the national WMU meeting in Alabama in January. Because of immigration issues, I thought I wouldn't get home. I was bummed about all that but had pretty much accepted it and would make the best out of Christmas here and then 10 days in Prince Edward Island, where I lived for 18 months. As folks have told me today, take all this as a blessing and your way to do those things you were wanting to do. That is what I am doing. God is good through all of this and He is already showing Himself faithful.

I have a range of emotions right now. I was pretty much able to leave the office Friday with things done that needed doing. I have my "to do" list as far as packing and things to take care of before I go. Thankfully I had my car serviced and new winter tires put on a few weeks ago. Just need to get jumper cables and those 'winter preparedness' things one needs on the road in the winter! I've made the trek south in this time of the year before and that went pretty smoothly. Still have to plan out the route, check the extended forecast, etc.

It's somewhat strange preparing to leave when I don't know when, or maybe if, I will return. I feel fairly confident that I wll be back in due time...this is just a season...God showed Himself faithful before. I also am holding onto His Promises and that how I still have a peace about being here doing what I'm doing. I know that can change, especially when it comes to immigration...

So, that is what's going on and I covet your prayers during this time. Many of you have been praying already and ask how the process is going. Thank you! Pray for me to have a calm spirit and that I can think straight when packing and doing all those necessities. Pray for me as I continue to say 'see ya later' to those so dear to me here. Pray for Jenna and me as we travel (car, clear roads, good weather, good health, safety...). Pray for my family as I know they will be concerned wtih us traveling. Should take no more than 4 days. Also much has been going on in the lives of people my family knows...Pray for peace that surpasses all understanding in everyone's lives. Please lift up the convention and application that will soon be sent off for the document I need. Pray for officers reviewing the file.

I will be checking email periodically and recently set up a new email. Yahoo account is becoming overwhelming! You can email me at Of course, Facebook is great and I'm able to access from my Blackberry. I have unlimited texting in North America, so feel free to text me at 403-671-1046. I will try not to talk on my cell much in the States as price goes up. If you'd like to talk on the phone, wonderful! I can send you numbers of where I'll be in the States.

I pray you and your family have a blessd holiday season and all the best in 2011! May we keep our focus on Jesus---THE Reason of the Season! He continues to change lives...including mine!

Thank you for being such a source of support and encouragement to me. You are a blessing!

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