Friday, January 14, 2011

Has It Really Been a Month?

happy 2011! I pray it is a blessed year for you!

Well, yesterday the 13th was a month since I left Canada. Wow! Some days it seems like only yesterday and other days, I feel it's been months and months. I know a number of you are wondering what the latest is with immigration. Nothing to really report. The Canadian government phoned the office a couple weeks ago to say that if they hadn't heard anything by the end of the month to call. So, it's still a waiting game...and trusting in God's perfect timing.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continued prayers for the immigration process and as I wait on the paperwork needed to return. Knowing so many care and are praying means the world to me. Keep those prayers coming!

I've been splitting my weeks between my parents in south Mississippi (my ole house) and my sister's near Nashville, Tennessee ~ about 7 hours apart. It's been a blessing to be with family and God has already revealed to me reasons He has me here at this time.
On Tuesday, I returned to my sister's after a 4 day national WMU meeting in Birmingham, Alabama. It was wonderful to be with my missions minded sisters in Christ as we networked together and heard about God's activity around the world. I have developed wonderful relationships with many of these women and always look forward to our times together. Despite the circumstances of why I am here, I am so glad I got to attend the meeting that I look forward to each year...not the meetings so much as the fellowship, encouragement, and networking together. A major ice storm hit the South, so it was interesting in this parts the past few days.

I am continuing to ask God how He wants me to spend my time. I'm doing what I can as a volunteer for the convention despite the distance. We're in the midst of the next missions offering mailout. Lots of emails back and forth, but I know the ones overseeing things at that end will do a great job!
Some nights, I may sleep 10 hours! It's probably what I need right now as I think my brain is still fried from having to make decisions and leave and travel. Don't ask me to make too many decisions; I still can't do it! At least I can pick out my clothes each day...or most days! I've been able to connect with friends and look forward to seeing more, as well as extended family.

God continues to show Himself faithful through His word, song, and others. It's His promises that I hold onto!

In the uncertainties of life, may we ~
Be Still and Know that He is God and Enjoy the Moment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when are you planning on coming for a visit to Madison? We have an extra bed.