There is much to tell you about what is going on in my life.
I think that most of you know that I have left Prince Edward Island and Community Baptist on August 14. A couple months ago, I was approached about a position at our Canadian National Baptist Convention (formerly the Canadian Convention of Southern Baptists) to replace the gal serving as the missions ministry leader/administrative assistant to the SEND team. I wondered what in the world God was doing, but after much prayer and more, I felt God leading me to accept the position and that my time at Community Baptist was coming to a close after 18 months. It was difficult to leave my wonderful friends there, but I knew I was suppose to move back to Cochrane, Alberta. My dear friend, Becky from Vancouver, flew out to PEI and we drove across North America in 10 days! It was a crazy adventure and one I will write more about on here. Thank you to those of you who have been praying me through the decision process and during our travels. I/we could feel your prayers!
In order for me to work at the Convention and get paid, I have to have a work visa. Long story short, I am in Mississippi until the visa issue gets sorted out...
When Becky and I stopped at the border to re-enter Canada, it was by the grace of God that I was let in. I was missing one piece of paper proving that the Convention has tried to hire a Canadian, could not find one, so therefore offered me the job. That paperwork has now been done and received into the immigration office. It's just a waiting game and could take weeks or months! Thankfully, my friend had a flight back to Vancouver last Sunday and I had already scheduled to be at a conference in Atlanta for Tuesday. It was these two things that 'saved' us. Needless to say, my parents came and got me in Atlanta! (They had already planned to come and visit with me anyway.)
I can say that I am definitely at a point in my life that I have never been in before. I know that God is in control and we never know what will come our way. I am trusting in His perfect timing. Satan tries to throw doubts my way, but I know that God has called me to this position---educating our Canadian churches about missions, connecting with our international missionaries, coordinating aspects of the missions offerings, and much more! Under the SEND team falls student ministry, volunteers, and international missionaries, and every aspect of missions. Children are my passion, with missions a close second!
I feel this visa issue is probably God's way of getting me to rest. I have been going full steam since at least mid-June and am emotionally and mentally drained and get exhausted at times! Also, I didn't think I'd be home til Christmas, so this is a nice 'surprise' visit with my family and friends in the South!
With the Convention paid position, means that I am no longer a Mission Service Corps missionary with the North American Mission Board. I thank each and every one of you who have supported me through the past 4 years in that area. You have been such a blessing!
As I write, the Gulf Coast and surrounding areas are preparing for Hurricane Gustav. We saw what Katrina did and are taking no chances! I was home on summer vacation when Katrina hit...God was with us through that time and I know He will watch over us during this storm. My family is 2-3 hours from the Gulf Coast of MS and New Orleans, but the Katrina damage was extensive even here. As we were driving today, I noticed trees that were ripped in half by that storm 3 years ago and continue to be reminded of how that storm impacted so many lives.
Here's how I ask you to pray:
for my physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health
for the immigration process
for a restful time while I am home
if needed, that God will provide just the job I need while I am home
for the Canadian National Baptist Convention and its churches
that Hurricane Gustav will weaken and anxieties will be settled
You are such a blessing and I pray that you are experiencing God's love in a special way!