Sunday, February 24, 2008

Celebrating One's Life

My Granny, Elizabeth Cone, 96 years old, went to be with Jesus on January 25, 2008. She was a precious person in my life and I am blessed to have had such a special relationship with her. We liked much of the same things and my mom says I get my independent spirit from her! Granny introduced me to stamp-collecting as a young girl. She traveled the world for many years and I always enjoyed hearing her stories and seeing pictures. Until she could no longer drive, each time we visited her in Memphis, TN, she would have our days planned and we were always venturing out somewhere. I loved our times together. She was also a woman of faith and has left a legacy. She loved her Lord and her church (Bellevue Baptist) and her Sunday School class. Since I moved to Canada, she had been unable to care for herself. She and I had quite a few talks about why God still had her on this earth. I once told her that she could be a prayer warrior...she said, "yeah, you're right." I could write a book on the memories I have of her and our times together.

We got to see Granny at Christmastime. Dad, my sister's family, and I had planned to go visit Dad's side of the family the Thursday-Saturday after Christmas. That morning, we got a call from Aunt Sarah that hospice was with Granny every other hour because her pulse had been low (she was in a nursing home). For the next 4 hours, I kept praying that God wouldn't take her just yet since we were so close to visiting her. When Dad, Christy, and I arrived to her room, she was sleeping and was so much thinner than when I had seen her in February 07. She woke up and saw us there. She was smiling, though was so weak that she couldn't move her arms from under the covers. One of the sweetest memories I'll always have is that she said, "I'm jumping for joy inside!" I knew she wanted to hug us so much...

Nathan and the girls came with us the next day and Granny looked much better and we were able to hold her hands & talk with her more. Granny enjoyed seeing her great-grandaughters and Christy was able to tell her that she was expecting a boy and his name would be Knox~a maiden name on Granny's side! We don't know if Granny remembered, as she had dementia, but it was special to tell her, especially now that she is gone.

God allowed me to get home for Granny's funeral. Her service was a celebration of her life and her Savior and how we can have a home in Heaven...just what she would have wanted! Dad was able to play "How Great Thou Art" on his trombone, while Mom accompanied him on piano. This was something Granny wanted & it was special that Dad was able to do this. A few years ago, Granny had planned everything, even what she would wear and her casket. This made it so much easier on Dad, Aunt Sarah, and Uncle John. Though despite the reason, it was wonderful to be with my 3 cousins again. They and their familes are so special and we usually only see each other once a year. Granny had 5 grandchildren (with 4 of them married) and 7 great-grandchildren, with one on the way.

Granny was one who kept almost everything! Between she and her mother, there is much history written down & photos of our family. We spent many hours going through things and have many treasures of our own now. I have one of the last Bibles she used, along with a few other odds and ends.

Though death is never easy, what comfort I can take in knowing that she is all healed and dancing with Jesus...and that we will meet again one day!

(My scanner is not working right, so no pics available for posting at this time.)

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