Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Update on John Eagleson

Thanks for praying for John. He had the majority of the tumor removed yesterday. A small portion wasn't removed because removal would affect his speech and motor skills. The family has had conflicting information given to them about what's going on with John, so that's frustrating. As it stands tonight, they still aren't sure if the tumor is cancerous, but radiation and chemo has been scheduled for later this week, if it is needed. He did have an MRI tonight, so hopefully they'll know something soon. As a result of pain and brain surgery, John is not himself. Please pray for his healing. We have to remember the John we know and not the effects of the tumor!
I was able to visit with John and Brandy at the hospital tonight. It was good to see them and just get a glimpse into what John and the family are facing. I went by the house and got to visit with the rest of the family while they were home for dinner. Their church has been providing meals for a week now! What a blessing! I'm glad I was able to visit with them and get more details on what's going on and not going on.
It was a hard afternoon for me after Jessica called and said they got news that the tumor is cancerous and he will begin radiation on Thursday, they'll see what stage the cancer is in and chemo may be needed. Woah...You know this is a possibility, but I didn't want to hear it. I went to the hospital and Brandy isn't seeming like they received that news today and she even made a comment about we don't know if it's benign or not, so until we know...I thought, "Either Jessica was wrong, I totally misunderstood, or Brandy doesn't know"! I was glad to get to the house and get the story straight. When I walked in Jessica said, "Mom, will you please tell Ellen what's really going on because we're all confused". Debbie cleared up some things for me...they are a bit frustrated, but what can you do.
Maybe God used today to prepare me even more for what could come. There's a reason for everything and as my dad said today, "Keep the faith"! That is what I am trying to do and reading all those stories in the Gospels of how Jesus healed so many!

Continue to pray for the family in this time as their whole world has changed overnight...

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