Saturday, February 13, 2010

Let the Games Begin

What a great way to end an extremely busy and tiring week...watching the Opening Ceremony of the Vancouver Olympics! Wow...the emotions, the feelings, the excitement! So, if you watched the Opening Ceremony and don't live in Canada, do you feel you know a bit more about this wonderful country?! I even learned a few things myself from the presentation and commentators on our CTV (Canadian) network! Since I don't get any US channels, I don't know what they were showing or saying. My mom called and said that she has already learned things she didn't know. For those of you that don't know much about the country to the north of the US, I hope that you will learn much about this place that has become home to me...

As you watch the Olympics this year, pray for Canada and this nation that so needs Jesus! Our convention has the goal to plant 1000 churches by 2020; we have 275 across the country right now. Pray for us as we seek to meet this God-given and God-sized task!

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