Sunday, March 22, 2009

Aunt Ellen's Castle

My 3 year old niece, Katie, thinks I live in a castle in Canada! I bought this castle from Ikea a few years ago and used it with the kids at my former church. When I moved to PEI, I left it at my parents' place for the girls to play in. It's one of those play things that takes up a lot of room, so it's not kept out all the time...But when I am home, the girls get to play in it and have such fun. On most of my trips since Jan 07, I have put it together at my sister's place. I take it apart before I leave and it goes back to Pops and Nana's place. Because the girls only play in it when I am there, Katie has this idea that I live in a castle! It must have been my fall visit that caused her to think this because after I left, she was telling my sister about Aunt Ellen's castle. Isn't that just the cutest? I love the imaginations and thoughts of preschoolers! It was a lot of fun during this last trip to watch Knox play in it. You'll see the box in the picture that we used for a tunnel!

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