Thursday, February 10, 2011


Well, I sure didn't mean to go this long without an update! I have been at my parents' place the past few weeks, didn't know if it would be easy to blog on dial-up, so I didn't want to attempt it. I'm back at my sister's, so computer and internet use is easier for me. Cold temps have been in the South lately and a few inches of snow fell pretty fast today, so we are 'snowed in' in Franklin with schools and much else closed.

Let me say 'thank you' for your continued prayers as I wait out this season of my life. Your prayers for me and the immigration issues mean so much! You will never know what it really means to me. There's really no news to report, except that the paperwork is in process and the CNBC office hopes to hear something in the next two weeks. In the meantime, I continue to wait. I wasn't sure how to title this blog entry, but since waiting is a huge part of my life right now, I thought it was appropriate.
There is much I could write about the '2 months ago since my life was interrupted so suddenly'. I almost don't know where to begin. I think I may write a book when all of this is over!
I will say that God continues to show His faithfulness and remind me of His promises; speak to me through Scripture, others, and circumstances. He has revealed to me reasons of why He has me here...even though my heart longs to be back to the place that has become home to me and I miss my "family" there so much. Honestly, this is probably the hardest season of my life. My first year of teaching in inner-city Jackson, Mississippi, was such a difficult time and one of total dependence on God...but this is different. Yes, I'm trying to depend on God in this season and trust Him, but this is just a totally different season.
I've been resting lots, doing what I can from away as a volunteer for the Missions divison of the CNBC, spending time with family and friends, and eating lots of those favorite things I can't get in Canada. I may gain 20 pounds through all this! Ha! I've enjoyed reconnecting with friends from different walks of life and ones I haven't seen in quite a while. I'm connected with two churches down here, so it's been great to visit with both church families. Of course, the time with my precious nieces and nephew is just wonderful! They continue to be my "therapy"! It's something how you long for one thing, but am glad for another...

I have no set schedule and really can't plan too far in advance...making decisions isn't the easiest for me right now, though I can pick out my clothes and what I will do that day. Guess I'm experiencing what missionaries do when they take their "furlough" time as I'm basically living out of suitcases with a few favorite things I brought with me. Hey, maybe that's another reason for all of this...being able to relate to our missionaries even more!

Speaking of missionaries, my devotional for this year is Voices of the Faithful - Book 2: Inspiring Stories of Courage from Christians Serving Around the World. I went through the first one in 2008 and was so touched reading the snippet of stories from missionaries and honored to be able to pray for them each day. Got the second book at a great price after Christmas, so I knew I needed to do this this year. Though I don't serve overseas, I know first hand what the prayers of others mean and I believe in the power of intercessory prayer. By praying for missionaries, you never know how they might be needing prayer on that given pray for missionaries and not just in general, but by name! And even if you only know their intitials or first names and only their region or people group, God knows them and their needs!

Here is a snippet from Feb 7 (B serving Central Asian Peoples): After moving to her new place of service and teaching her third grade class about natural disasters and they get frightened...she knows God is saying to her "If I am bigger than natural disasters, don't you think that I am bigger than the homesickness that is overwhelming you?...I was reminded that I am never alone and that God, who holds the world in His hands, holds me, too." The verse was Zephaniah 3:17 ~ "For the Lord your God is living among you...He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs." Wow!
From Feb 8 (Candy serving Central Asian Peoples): "Listening, waiting, reflecting...I knew that God was teaching me that there was a time to be busy and a time to wait on His timing when He will bring about what He desires..." The verse? "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth!" Psalm 46:10. Wow! I have been 'camped out' on that verse for a few years now...Need I really say more as He shows Himself to me...when I am drained mentally and emotionally and am tired of waiting...

In your own waiting seasons, whatever they may be, I pray that you will look to God and trust Him to meet all your needs...even when you don't understand...

Enjoy the moment!